Field names and old names in the Dietkirchen district

Nowadays, when there are hardly any farmers left in the villages, the knowledge of the field names, especially the old field, district and parish names, has almost been lost, mainly due to the absence of farmers.

Many of the old names were known to everyone in the village in the past and defined the individual areas in the fields and nature quite clearly, without having to have maps in hand that would have clearly marked these properties.

The origins of these names are almost unknown today, but many of the names probably date back to Frankish or Celtic times.

Some field names still exist today. Since acres often have their own old names, it is often possible to confuse acres and fields.

The following overview map shows the still known field names in Dietkirchen.

Flurkarte Dietkirchen
© OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

Explanation of the individual numbers:

  #   Name
  1   Am Hain
  2   Im alten Graben
  3   Aufm Tanzplatz
  4   Im Johannsstück
  5   Im Fuchsen
  6   Im Weiherstück
  7   Auf der Röth
  8   In der Höhl
  9   Auf der Hohl
10   Am Bildstock
11   Am Heidenpfad
12   Auf der Heide
13   In den Fritzenstückern
14   Am Strichweg
15   Am Kissel
16   An der Rheinstrasse
17   Im Fahler
18   Im Brühl
19   In den Gärten
20   Am Badeplatz
21   In den Mühlenstücker
22   In der Au
23   Am Steingraben
24   In der Feldwies
25   In den Bergen
26   In der Vogelseck
27   Am Eckert

In the following, the individual names are listed and an attempt is made to explain them as far as possible. In addition to these field names that still exist today, the Hesse State Historical Information System lists other field names for Dietkirchen, which are described later below.

A great help in explaining the names were notes for a concept for a school essay by Heribert Brötz, probably from the 1950s, which was made available to the author of this page via the village head Markus Wirth in 2021. Brötz’s notes are shown in italics.

 1 – Am Hain

This parcel is located directly at the grove, dialectally “Am Huu”, which, however, already belongs to the Dehrner district. According to H. Brötz, the parcel “Am Hain” used to form the “Feld am Höhfeld” together with the parcel “Am Tanzplatz”.

2 – Im alten Graben

Brötz writes that the field “Am Alten Graben” is bordered towards the Lahn by a quarry which extends along the Lahn and the road Dehrn / Dietkirchen into the area of Dietkirchen.
However, this quarry has been lying idle for several years and has been renaturalised in the meantime.

A footpath used to lead from Dehrn to Limburg through the “Alter Graben” and the corridors “Am Tanzplatz” and “Im Fuchsen”. In the field “Im Fuchsen” there was an acre called “Am Dehrner Pfad”.

3 – Am Tanzplatz

According to Heribert Brötz’s school essay concept, the field “Am Tanzplatz” got its name from the fact that the Dietkirchen market is said to have taken place at this place for a long time. Unfortunately, there is as yet no well-founded basis for verifying this statement.

4 – Im Johannsstück

The origin of the field name possibly comes from an original owner’s name. H. Brötz writes that sand is found here at a depth of about one metre in the field “Im Johannsstück”. When the Konvikt in Hadamar and the Amtsgericht in Limburg were built, the sand was fetched from this spot, the “Gehannsstück”, in Dietkirchen.
Even after the war, the inhabitants of Dietkirchen continued to fetch the sand there for building.
That is why this place, which borders on the Dehrn district, is also called “Sandkaut”. The soil overlying this sand is good and fertile and is used as meadows and arable land.

5 – Im Fuchsen

The explanations for the name “Im Fuchsen” are very meagre. It is generally assumed that this field is a landscape area where a large number of foxes were once found.
According to H. Brötz, the “Fuchsen” was formerly divided into the field “Im Fuchsen” and the “Feld im großen Ahlen”. “Ahl” or “Oll”, as it is called in dialect, can also mean (except for the explanation in 10 – “Am Heidenpfad”) border.
For example, if two houses stand close together, the space in between is called “Oll”. The name “Feld im großen Ahlen” thus means a large field on the boundary of the district.

6 – Im Weiherstück

H. Brötz writes about this:
The name “Weierstück” can be explained by the fact that large ponds form here when it rains heavily.
The 3rd area is called the “Naßgewann”, because it is always particularly wet there.
The “Weiherstück” is also the site of the old waterworks, which is why the farmers often call it “Umm Bornhäusje”.
The 4th field is called “Umm Wehling”, which in High German means “Am Weg entlang” (“along the path”).
The first field, the “Weiherwies”, was used as cattle pasture until a few years ago. Today it is a building site.
The “Weiherstück” used to be part of the field “Feld an der Zähensohl”. “Sohl” always refers to a somewhat lower-lying area and “zäh” (“tough”) means that the soil is not good to work. The “Feld an der Zähensohl” therefore got its name because it lies somewhat lower and is difficult to work.

7 – Auf der Röth

According to H. Brötz, the field got its name from the colour of its soil:
It is reddish earth, i.e. loamy bog (called “Booles” in dialect from the Latin word bolus), which is unsuitable for arable farming. The entire area consists of a large meadow that serves as cattle pasture and on which there are many fruit trees. Because the only field barn of the village is located here, this field is called “U de Feldscheuer” by the farmers.
A small meadow, which is somewhat separated by an elevation, is called “Bummet or Bummert”. This name comes from the owner of this plot of land. It was the last canon of Dietkirchen. His name was Bourmer and the meadow was called “Bourmers Wies” after him, which in the course of time became “Bummert or Bummet”.
The field “Auf’der Röth” did not have its own field name before the first consolidation, but belonged to the “Feld auf der Hohl”.

8 – In der Höhl

According to Brötz, the steep slope between the road to Dehrn and the river Lahn is marked with the name “In der Höhl” on a map that was probably available to him when the concept was drawn up.
It is said to have come about because there are several caves on this slope. Before the first consolidation, the map name for this area was “In der Hohl”.
It is more likely, however, that the difference between the two names is only due to a change in sound. But no one in Dietkirchen uses either of these names; everyone says “In der Hehl”.
This could also be a phonetic change. But “Hehl” is also a very common name for a slope in our homeland. This slope is often, as in this case, near the cemetery. A grave of the Franks was found here. The Franks liked to lay their graves on hillsides. Only grass and a few shrubs grow in the stony soil. Only at the foot of the limestone rock are there some gardens. In former times they had their own field name, they were called “In den Kappusgärten” (vegetable gardens) . Until two years ago, a section of the slope in the “Hehl” was used as a rubble dump. After this was forbidden, an attempt was made to cultivate a vineyard on this favourably situated slope, which has since been abandoned.

9 – Auf der Hohl

The field possibly got its name from the fact that it describes the area along today’s “Hohlstrasse”. A hollow road is often a tubular and narrow lane. However, a hollow can also indicate deepened places in the terrain: depressions and pits, small ravines and especially hollow roads.

10 – Am Bildstock

The field “Am Bildstock” is located at the end of the village in the direction of Limburg on the right-hand side of the Limburg road. It owes its name to a wayside shrine that stands under a large lime tree at a fork in the road at the entrance from Limburg. The soil is very good here, it is only used as farmland.

11 – Am Heidenpfad

The origin of the name “Am Heidenpfad” cannot be determined exactly. Perhaps it goes back to the time of Lubentius, when this area was populated by pagans. It is also possible that the word “Heide” (heathen) is derived from “Haare” (hair), which means gypsy. It is therefore reasonable to assume that gypsies travelling through the area were given a place to camp here.
The 6th field is called “Kautestück” by the farmers because there used to be deep holes here, which are said to have come from an old war camp. The 7th and 8th fields are called “Oll”. This name is a dialectal term for “Ahl”. The field “Am Heidenpfad” used to be divided into the “Feld am Heidenpfad” and the “Feld im Ahlen”. During the first consolidation in 1872, these two fields were united under one name.
“Ahl” is a word of Gallic origin and means a sheltered place near the village. Often this place was surrounded by dense enclosures to protect livestock against predators and raids.
The “Heidenpfad” lies to the north of the Dietkirchen-Limburg road, its soil is good and was formerly used as pasture, today exclusively as arable land.

12 – Auf der Heide

In dialect, this field is called “Uff de Haad”. The parcel “Auf der Heide” is located north-east of the Dietkirchen-Limburg road. There used to be a small wood here, which was thinned out somewhat because of a high-voltage power line. After the 2nd World War, when there was nothing to burn, it was completely cleared by the inhabitants. The soil is very poor, it is only partly used as farmland. The 7th and 8th Gewann are called “Uff de Haarewies”.
For an explanation of the name, see also “11 – Am Heidenpfad”.

13 – In den Fritzenstückern

Many years ago, the entire parcel “In den Fritzenstückern” belonged to a Mr. Friedrich, who is said to have been a very rich man. Because this parcel lies on the Dietkirchen-Limburg boundary, it is usually called “U de Grenz”. It consists partly of grassland and partly of arable land.

14 – Am Strichweg

Unfortunately, there is no record of Brötz’s naming of the field. However, he does describe the fields that make up the parcel.
The four fields of the “Strichweg” are named “Zu den Vier Morgen”, “Kessler”, “Rauhanse” and “Lang Sohl”.
The name “Kessler” came about because there is a small round indentation, a cauldron, here. “Rauhanse” was probably the derisive name of a former owner, and “Lang Sohl” got its name because the area in question is long and narrow and lies somewhat lower.
I have not been able to find an explanation for the name “Am Strichweg” itself. The soil here is fertile and is used exclusively as farmland.

15 – Am Kissel

An old gravel pit gave the field its name.
The soil is very stony, only the 2nd field is used as arable land. The sports field is located on the first field. The third field is grassland. It is called “Iwwerm Bääg” in dialect because it lies below a small hill.

16 – An der Rheinstrasse

The field name “An der Rheinstraße” can be explained by the fact that an old trade route from Cologne to Frankfurt led through this area. Even today, in years when it is very dry, one can see exactly how the road ran, because the fruit grows less tall than usual at this point.
This road led across the Lahn opposite the village of Mühlen at a ford. (The old Bubenheim road, which led from Bubenheim – today’s Kirberg to Mühlen, was probably a section of this road). This place is called Postmauer in oral tradition, because a post station was established in Dietkirchen in the “Arch” (a). Even the gardens near this house are still called post gardens.
The official name for the “Postmauer” parcel is “Badeplatz” and is dealt with in more detail under a separate item.

a) The “Arch” was formerly the oldest house in Dietkirchen. The name “Arch” was probably derived from the fact that it belonged to the archdeacon of the monastery.

17 – Im Fahler

The parcel “Im Fahler” is the smallest in the district.
The name “Fahler” (from Middle High German: Vahl, vallen, fallen) means mountain slope, lowering, slope. The terrain, on which some gardens are located, slopes steeply in a southerly direction. In the past, the map name for this corridor was simply “Gärten” (“gardens”). People call it “Rimmele” because the soil was so tough when gardens were planted here that after digging, the soil was still so stiff that it often manally needs to be crumbled up (in German dialect “rimmele”).

18 – Im Brühl

“Im Bruil”. “Brühl” derives from the Latin-Celtic word “brogilus” (= enclosed copse). It means marshy, fat, bush-covered cradle terrain and is always close to the village.
Today, however, there is no longer any meadow or bush on this terrain, but it is good arable land.

19 – In den Gärten

Many people have their gardens here who have no space near their house. The location is very convenient because it is very close to the Lahn. If it is too dry in summer, people only need to walk about 30-40 metres across the “bathing place” to get water in the Lahn.

20 – Am Badeplatz

If you walk along the “Leinpfad” under the Lahn rock a little further downstream, you come to the “Badeplatz”. A ford used to lead across the Lahn here, this spot is called the “Postmauer” (for explanation see “An der Rheinstraße”). The ground is only used as a meadow, where there is lively bathing and camping in summer.
The names “Wieslatt” and “Grindchen”, into which the “Badeplatz” is divided, are very old names, but are still used today. They can be explained by the fact that the piece in question is long and narrow and very small respectively.

21 – In den Mühlenstückern

Even further down the Lahn are the fields “In den Mühlenstückern” and “In der Feldwies”. The “Mühlenstücker” are very fertile farmland. They owe their name to their location opposite the village of Mühlen, which lies on the other side of the Lahn.

22 – In der Au

“In der Au” is the best farmland in Dietkirchen. “Au” always means favourably situated and fertile farmland. “Feld in der Au” was the name of this area before the 1st consolidation.

23 – Am Steingraben

The “Steingraben” (“Staagroowe”) adjoins the “Kissel” in a westerly direction. The soil here is not particularly stony, as one might expect, but the name comes from a single large boulder protruding from the earth at the edge of a deep ditch. The 3rd area in which this V-shaped ditch is located is called “Lay”. The walls of this ditch can be compared to the sides of a roof, and since roofers used to be called “Laydecker” (and Laadecker), the origin of the name can be explained in this context. On the 5th Gewann there is a graveyard of fallen soldiers from the First World War.

24 – In der Feldwies

The name “In der Feldwies” is very easy to explain: It is a large meadow enclosed only by fields except for the Lahn. The soil is marshy and therefore only suitable as a meadow.

25 – In den Bergen

An explanation for “In den Bergen” is already given in the name itself. It is hilly terrain consisting mainly of meadow with some bushes. Only the first Gewann is used as arable land. It is called “Burgum” (Burg-um = what lies around the mountain or at the foot of the mountain.). Recently, plans have been made to develop a quarry here and in the adjacent “Vogelsheck” and “Steingraben”.

26 – In  der Vogelseck

It is called “Vulseck” by the inhabitants. The name can be explained by the many hedges that serve as nesting places for birds. In former times there were many foxes and badgers and rabbits, and even today it is a favourite hunting ground. The soil is stony and unsuitable for agriculture. It is only used for sheep grazing.

27 – Am Eckert

In the direction of Limburg, the “Vogelseck” is bordered by the “Eckert”. The residents want to explain this name by its shape: It is a small pointed triangle, at the corner of two paths and on the border of the Dietkirchen district. “Eckert” is therefore said to derive from Ecke. However, it is more likely that Eckert (also Eckerd) is a Low German word that can mean acorn and also beech. An old oak tree still stands here today. The land is used partly as grassland and partly as arable land. Because this romantic area is popular with lovers, it is called the “Liebeshöh”. From here you have a wonderful view of the neighbouring villages of Ennerich, Eschhofen, Lindenholzhausen and the highway bridge.

If you research old field names of Dietkirchen, you will find the names, but unfortunately not necessarily a good explanation of the name, nor a map showing the exact location of the fields.

Using the Hessian State Historical Information System, one can search for the historically mentioned field names of Dietkirchen and display their chronological mention in documents.
(Hessische Flurnamen <>)

This leads to a result set of field names, which are listed below.

Standard-FieldnameDocument formDocument time
1. Ahlbach-Straße in Limburger unndt ahlbächer straaß 1695
2. Ahlbach-Straße vber die Olbacher stross 1560
3. Ahlbach-Weg ahn dem Albacher weg 1723
4. Ahlbach-Weg am Albach weg 1516
5. Ahlbach-Weg am Olbecher weg 1560
6. Ahlbach-Weg an den Olbecher weg 1560
7. Ahlbach-Weg auff den Albacher weg 1723
8. Ahlbach-Weg dem Albacher weg 1723
9. Ahlbach-Weg durch den Ahlbacher weg 1695
10. Ahlbach-Weg durch den Olbacher wegh 1718
11. Ahlbach-Weg in ahlbächer weeg 1695
12. Ahlbach-Weg obigh dem Ohlbacher wegh 1718
13. Ahlbach-Weg obigh dem Ohlbacher wegh 1718
14. Ahlbach-Weg vff den Albach weg 1516
15. Ahle im ahlen 1695
16. Ahle im Ahl 1718
17. Ahle im Ahl 1718
18. Ahle im ahl 1695
19. Ahle obich dem Ahl 1718
20. Ahle obigh dem Ahlen 1718
21. Ahle vorm Ahlen 1718
22. Ahle vorm ahl 1718
23. Ahle-Stücke auff die ohlen stücker 1718
24. Alte-Grabe IM ALTEN GRABEN
25. Alte-Grabe beim alten graben 1695
26. Alte-Grabe Im alten Grabenn 1560
27. Alte-Grabe obigh dem alten graben 1718
28. Apfel-Baum bey dem Äpfelbauhm 1718
29. Au IN DER AU
30. Au ane der auwe um 1514
31. Au In d Auw 1688
32. Au In der Auhe 1560
33. Au in der Aw 1718
34. Bad-Platz AM BADPLATZ
36. Berg am be:g ader am steyn 1496
37. Berg am berge 1436
38. Berg auff den berg 1718
39. Berg in den bergen 1695
40. Berg in den bergen 1549
41. Berg in den Berg 1718
42. Berg in den Vndersten Beeg 1718
43. Berg Obigh den Berg 1718
44. Berg über den bergh 1718
45. Berg über den Berg 1718
46. Berg überm berg 1695
47. Bild-Stock AM BILDSTOCK
48. Borkem im Borckem 1718
49. Borkem-Grabe inden Borckembß graben 1718
50. Born-Gasse auff der bohrn gaß 1718
51. Born-Gasse das Borngass genant 1560
52. Born-Gasse zum Borngasser oder Mittelfeldt gehöri 1549
53. Born-Gasse zum Borngaß oder Mittelfelt gehorig 1688
54. Born-Pfad durch den Eltzer Limburger Vndt Born Pfa 1718
55. Borzen-Grabe in die Bortzen Graben 1718
56. Brückel-Grabe über den Bruckelgraben 1549
57. Brühl IM BRUEHL
58. Brühl Auff der Bruhll 1718
59. Brühl Vffm Beruhll 1718
60. Bube-Äcker In den Bubeneckern 1560
61. Bube-Äcker in den Bubeneckern 1549
62. Burg-Grabe auff dem burch grab 1688
63. Burg-Grabe vff den Burckengraben 1549
64. Burg-Hain unter dem Burckheim 1549
65. Burg-Hain-Grabe an Burckheimer graben 1695
66. Burg-Hain-Grabe auff den Burckheimers graben 1695
67. Burg-Hain-Grabe dem Burckheimß graben 1723
68. Burg-Hain-Grabe hinder dem Burckhümß graben 1549
69. Burg-Hain-Grabe langs dem burckheimgrab 1688
70. Burg-Hain-Grabe vff den Burckhenns graben 1560
71. Chor-Bischof-Hof den man nennet des Korbischoffes Hop 1352
72. Christchen-Wiese Vndig christges wies 1718
73. Dehrn-Hain auff den Dehrner Haan 1695
74. Dehrn-Hain gegen den Derner han 1560
75. Dehrn-Hain obig dem dehrner han 1723
76. Dehrn-Pfad Dehrner pfade 1695
77. Dehrn-Pfad Dehrner pfadte 1695
78. Dehrn-Pfad der derner pfad 1560
79. Dehrn-Pfad durch den Dehrner Pfadt 1723
80. Dehrn-Pfad durch den Dehrner unndt offheimer pfadt 1695
81. Dehrn-Pfad durch den dörner Pfaadt 1718
82. Dehrn-Pfad obigh dem dorner pfadt 1718
83. Dehrn-Pfad Vnter dem dorner Pfadt 1718
84. Dehrn-Pfad Zum Dehrner pfadt zu 1695
85. Dekanei hinder der dechaney 1718
86. Dietkirchen Dygkkirchen 1465
87. Dietkirchen zu Dickirchen um 1514
88. Dietkirchen-Au In der ditkircher auw 1723
89. Dietkirchen-Au In dietkircher auhe 1549
90. Dietkirchen-Au In dietkircher auhe 1549
91. Dietkirchen-Berg in dytkirch berge 1436
92. Dietkirchen-Feld Dietkircher Großfeldt 1718
93. Dietkirchen-Feld In dem grosen feldt zu dietkirchen 1549
94. Dorf ahm dorff 1718
95. Drei-Apfel-Bäume Bey den 3 Äpfell Bäuhmen 1718
96. Drei-Spitze obigh der drey spitz 1718
97. Drei-Spitze vor der Drey Spitz 1718
98. Eckert AM ECKERT
99. Eisen-Born obig dem Eysern born 1560
100. Eisen-Burg von Isenburg 1352
101. Elz-Pfad durch den Eltzer Limburger Vndt Born Pfa 1718
102. Elz-Weg durch den Elsser weg 1723
103. Ente-Pfuhl Bei dem Entenpful 1549
104. Fahr-Morgen am Fohr Morgen 1695
105. Fall-Tor-Garten auff die faller gärden 1723
106. Fall-Tor-Garten Fäller garthen 1718
107. Fall-Tor-Garten hindter den faller gärdten 1723
108. Fall-Tor-Garten In den faller Gärthen 1718
109. Feld Ahm Feldt 1718
110. Feld großfeldt 1695
111. Feld Groß feldt 1688
112. Feld Im Großen felt 1723
113. Feld In dem grossen feld 1516
114. Feld zum grossen feldt 1695
116. Feld-Wiese in der feldt wiesen 1718
117. Fichte uff die fichten 1549
118. Fritz-Stück in frietzen stückern 1695
119. Fritz-Stück in fritzen stückern 1718
121. Fuchs IM FUCHSEN
122. Gänse-Wiese die sp genante Gänß wies 1718
123. Garten IN DEN GAERTEN
124. Garten auff die garthen 1718
125. Garten In den gert 1516
126. Gewann die Klein gewand 1723
127. Gicht uff die Gicht 1688
128. Glocke ahn die Klock 1723
129. Grabe bei den gräben 1695
130. Grabe hinder den gräben 1549
131. Grabe im Graben 1718
132. Grabe obigh dem graben 1718
133. Grabe-Hecke zwischen der gräbenheck 1695
134. Graue-Feld das groffelt 1560
135. Gronners-Garten in Gronnerß Garthen 1718
136. Hain AM HAIN
137. Hain auff dem hahn 1718
138. Hain auff den haan 1695
139. Hain nach dem hahn zu 1718
140. Hain obig dem hahn 1549
141. Hain uffm han 1549
142. Hain vff den han 1560
143. Hain-Born vff den Han Bornnen 1560
144. Halde an der held 1560
145. Halde auff der höhle 1718
146. Halde in der Höhlle 1718
147. Halde obigh der höhle 1718
148. Halde vff der helen 1560
149. Halde vor der obersten hell 1718
150. Halde-Morgen vff Hillen Morgen 1560
151. Heide AUF DER HEIDE
152. Heide auff die Haydt 1718
153. Heide bei der heide 1549
154. Heide off dye heide 1436
155. Heide-Grabe ahm heydten Graben 1718
156. Heide-Pfad AM HEIDEPFAD
157. Heide-Pfad am haiden pfadt 1695
158. Heide-Pfad in den haidenn pfadt 1549
159. Heide-Pfad in d haid pfaad 1688
160. Heide-Pfad in haiden pfadt 1695
161. Heide-Pfad Oben den Heydten Padt 1718
162. Heide-Pfad Vndigh dem Heydten Pfadt 1718
163. Heide-Wiese ahn der Heydten wies 1718
164. Heide-Wiese uff deß hayde wiesgen 1695
165. Heier an dem heiger um 1432
166. Heilige-Haus hiender dem heil hauß 1695
167. Heilige-Haus obig dem heil hauß 1695
168. Heilige-Stock ahm hindersten heylig Stuck 1718
169. Heilige-Stock gegen den heil stock 1695
170. Heilige-Stock gegen den heylg stock 1560
171. Heilige-Stock obwendig dem heiligen stock 1549
172. Heisemer-Brunne auff den hyßemer Brunnen 1718
173. Hofe-Stuck ahm hoffer stuck 1718
174. Hohe-Feld auffm hohm feldte 1695
175. Hohe-Feld auffs hohe feldt 1718
176. Hohe-Feld aus dem hohen felt 1560
177. Hohe-Feld Im Hohen Feldt 1695
178. Hohl ahn der hohl 1695
179. Hohl auff die hohl 1695
180. Hohl langs die hohle 1718
181. Hohl uff der hohl 1549
182. Hohl uff der hohl 1688
183. Hohl-Gärten In denen Hohlgärthen 1718
184. Hühner-Scheide auff der Hühnen scheidt 1718
185. Hühner-Schiss bey der Hunerscheissen 1560
186. Hühner-Schiss bey der Hünerschuß 1695
187. Hühner-Schiss uff der hünerschussen 1549
188. Johannes-Stück IM JOHANNESSTUECK
189. Johannes-Stück auff dem Johannes stück 1718
190. Johannes-Stück hinder dem Johanßstück 1549
191. Johannes-Stück uffm Johanß stück 1549
192. Johannes-Stück uffm Johans stück 1688
193. Johannes-Stück vor dem Johannes stuck 1718
194. Kaute-Garten auff den Kauthen Gärthen 1718
195. Kaute-Stück auff die Kauthen stücker 1718
196. Kiesel AM KISSEL
197. Kiesel ahm Kyßell 1718
198. Kiesel ahn dem Kissel 1549
199. Kiesel auff dem Kyßell 1718
200. Kiesel im Kesseln 1718
201. Kiesel uff dem Kissel 1549
202. Kiesel uffm Kissel 1688
203. Kirsche-Garten ame kirssengarten um 1432
204. Kohl-Wiese Kohlwies 1718
205. Kote vnder koten um 1432
206. Krebe a Kreben 1560
207. Kreuz vff dem Creutz 1718
208. Krumme-Gewann in der Krummen gewandt 1718
209. Kurze-Breite-Morgen in dem kurtzen braiten Morgen 1695
210. Kurze-Gewann in der kurtzen gewandt 1718
211. Kurze-Gewann vor der Kurtz gewendt 1695
212. Lahn nach der lohn 1723
213. Lahn über Lahen 1549
214. Lahn vber lah 1688
215. Lahn auff die Lahen 1718
216. Land-Straße durch die Landstraß 1695
217. Land-Wehr off dem lantgewe um 1432
218. Lange-Gewann die lange gewandt genändt 1718
219. Lappe-Garten der Lappes gartenn 1560
220. Lei vnd der leyen 1496
221. Limburg-Feld auff daß limburger felt 1723
222. Limburg-Feld auffs Limburger feldt 1718
223. Limburg-Feld daß Groß feldt zu Limburg zu 1549
224. Limburg-Grabe bey dem Limburger graben 1549
225. Limburg-Grabe auff den Limburger Graben 1718
226. Limburg-Pfad durch den Eltzer Limburger Vndt Born Pfa 1718
227. Limburg-Rot-Feld vffs Limburger rothe feldt zu 1695
228. Limburg-Straße in Limburger unndt ahlbächer straaß 1695
229. Limburg-Weg ahm Limburger wegh 1718
230. Limburg-Weg am Limburger weeg 1695
231. Limburg-Weg am Limpurger weg 1560
232. Limburg-Weg wieder den Limburger weg 1549
233. Lohr vnder den leren 1495
234. Lohr-Weide ah lörsweid 1688
235. Lohr-Weide bey löhrs weydten 1718
236. Mauer off der mure um 1432
237. Mauer zussen den müren 1495
238. Mauer zwischn den muren 1496
239. Mittel-Feld ahm Mittelfeldt 1718
240. Mittel-Feld In dem mittel feld 1516
241. Mittel-Feld Mittel feldt 1718
242. Mittel-Feld Mittel feldt 1695
243. Mittel-Feld Mittell felt 1723
244. Mittel-Feld vorm Mittelfeldt 1718
245. Mittel-Feld zum Borngasser oder Mittelfeldt gehöri 1549
246. Mittel-Feld zum Borngaß oder Mittelfelt gehorig 1688
247. Mittel-Gewann die Mittelgewandt 1718
248. Mittel-Wiese die Mittelwies genant 1560
249. Mühl-Au In Müllner auhe 1549
250. Mühl-Garten in den Mühllgarthen 1718
251. Mühl-Stück am Molnstuck genant 1560
252. Mühl-Stück in den muhlnstückern genannt 1695
253. Mühl-Stück in den Mühlstückern 1718
255. Neun-Morgen fur den neun morgen 1516
256. Nusten in der Nusten 1718
257. Offheim-Feld im offheimer feldt 1695
258. Offheim-Pfad durch den Dehrner unndt offheimer pfadt 1695
259. Offheim-Pfad durch den offheimer Pfadt 1718
260. Offheim-Pfad offheimer pfaede 1695
261. Offheim-Weg am Offheimer weg 1516
262. Offheim-Weg auff den offheimer wegh 1718
263. Offheim-Weg durch den offheimer weeg 1695
264. Offheim-Weg in offheimer wegh 1718
265. Olemp bey der Ohlemb 1718
266. Peter-Driesch ahn peters drisch 1718
267. Pfarr-Stück ahm pfarr stück 1688
268. Pfarr-Stück am pfarrestück 1549
269. Pfarr-Stück an dem pfar stuck 1516
270. Pfarr-Stück Vndigh den Pfahr stuck 1718
271. Rain-Straße die rein strass 1723
272. Rain-Straße in der Rheinstrassen 1549
273. Rain-Straße in der Rhein straß 1688
274. Rain-Straße in der Rheinstrossen 1549
275. Rain-Straße neben den Rheinstrassen 1516
276. Ranzen-Pfad Roetzenpfadt 1560
277. Ranzen-Pfad-Feld olim Räntzer pfader feldt 1695
278. Ricke-Forst am Reckenforste 1436
279. Ricke-Forst an rickenforst 1496
280. Rod AUF DER ROD
281. Rod auff der Kleine rothe 1718
282. Rod-Feld In dem Rod feld 1516
283. Röder am rother 1718
284. Röder-Berg Der Rodenberg 1560
285. Röder-Berg vff den Rodenberg 1560
286. Röder-Feld ahm rother feldt 1718
287. Röder-Feld In dem Rodenfeldt 1549
288. Röder-Feld Rödeer felt 1723
289. Röder-Feld Röderfelt 1688
290. Röder-Feld Rödter feldt 1549
291. Röder-Feld Rother Feldt 1718
292. Röder-Feld Röther feldt 1695
293. Röder-Grabe auff den röther graben 1695
294. Röder-Grabe auff der linckenhandt deß Rötter Gra 1723
295. Röder-Grabe durch den röther graben 1718
296. Sand-Kaute auff der sandtkauthen 1695
297. Sand-Kaute auff die Sandkauth 1718
298. Sand-Kaute gegen die sandt kauth 1695
299. Sand-Kaute vff der Sandtkauten 1560
300. Sand-Kaute vor der Sandtkauhlen 1718
301. Schild oben dem Schildt 1516
302. Schild obigh dem schilt 1718
303. Spinnwebe die spinn wäb 1695
304. Spinnwebe die Spinnweb 1718
305. Spinnwebe die spinweg genant 1560
306. Spitze-Gewann in der Spitzer gewan 1718
307. Spitze-Gewann neben der Kleinen spitz gewand 1723
308. Spitze-Gewann vor der Spitz gewandt 1718
309. Stahl-Kreuz beim stohl creutz 1695
310. Staude-Wiese Staudten wies genandt 1718
311. Stein am beg ader am steyn 1496
312. Stein beym stein 1718
313. Stein-Grabe IM STEINGRABEN
314. Stein-Grabe ahn den stein graben 1723
315. Stein-Grabe durch den stein graben 1695
316. Stein-Grabe im steingraben 1718
317. Stein-Grabe im stein graben 1718
318. Stein-Grabe Jenseitß dem steingraben 1718
319. Stein-Grabe über den steinngraben 1549
320. Stein-Grabe über d steingrab 1688
321. Stein-Grabe uff d steingrab 1688
322. Stichel-Berg auf dem stecher berg 1695
323. Stichel-Berg vff dem stechelberg 1560
324. Stichel-Berg vff dem Stichelberg 1560
325. Straße ah d straß 1688
326. Straße ahn der straß 1723
327. Straße ahn der straß 1549
328. Straße zwischen der strass 1723
329. Strich-Weg AM STRICHWEG
330. Strich-Weg ahn dem strichweg 1549
331. Strich-Weg am strichweg 1560
332. Strich-Weg auff der rechten handt deß strich wegs 1723
333. Strich-Weg durch den striichweeg 1695
334. Strich-Weg durch d strichweg 1688
335. Strich-Weg im strich weg 1688
336. Strich-Weg In den strich weg 1516
337. Strich-Weg oben dem Strichweeg 1695
338. Strich-Weg obig dem strich weg 1688
339. Strich-Weg obwendig dem strich weeg 1549
340. Strich-Weg über den strichweg 1549
341. Strich-Weg vff dem strichweg 1549
342. Strich-Weg vnder dem strichweg 1560
343. Strich-Weg Vndigh dem Strigh wegh 1718
344. Stück auffs groß stuck 1718
345. Stück daß große Stück 1718
346. Stück genant daß groß stück 1549
347. Stuhl In den Stulen 1560
348. Tanz-Platz AUFM TANZPLATZ
349. Tanz-Platz ahn den Dantz blatz 1723
350. Tanz-Platz auff den dantz pflatz 1695
351. Tanz-Platz vor dem danz Platz 1718
352. Ufer uff dem ufer 1688
353. Ufer uff dem uffer 1549
354. Vier-Morgen vor den 4 Morg 1718
355. Vogel-Hecke IN DER VOGELSHECK
356. Vogel-Hecke auff der Vogelßheck 1718
357. Vogel-Hecke in der vogelßheck 1718
358. Vogel-Hecke uff die vogelheck 1549
359. Vogel-Hecke uff die vogelsheck 1688
360. Wandel-Wiese in der wendtell wieß 1718
361. Wasser-Grabe wider den wassergraben 1549
362. Weide-Stück daß weyen stuck genandt 1718
363. Weiher-Stück IM WEIHERSTUECK
364. Weiher-Stück ahm weyerstück 1718
365. Weiher-Stück am weyerstück 1695
366. Weiher-Stück daß weyer stück genannt 1695
367. Weiher-Wiese obigh der weyer wieß 1718
368. Wein-Garten unter den weingarten 1549
369. Weiße-Latte Auff der weißlatt 1718
370. Wieschen nach dem wiesg 1718
371. Wingert Im wingert genannt 1718
372. Würz-Garten der wurtz garten 1560
373. Würz-Garten vnder dem würtze garten 1695
374. Zwei-Heilige-Stöcke obig den zweien heiligen stöcken 1549
375. Zwei-Heilige-Stöcke obig d zwen heilig stock 1688